viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Sega Genesis - Sonic the Hedgehog 3

One of the best sonic games to date
Sonic and I have always had a weird relationship. I would go to being in love with the series, like when I played "Sonic adventure 2" and this game, to being all meh, when I played "Sonic R" and "Sonic 3D blast". Though, every time sonic fails me, I can always turn to this game. I will be honest guys, I have played this game much more than I could possibly be proud of. Sonic 3 was released in 1994, it and "Sonic and Knuckles" were supposed to be one game but they were split during development. It is a direct sequel to "sonic the hedgehog 2" and it introduces a character I have changed my thoughts about more times than I can count, Knuckles the echidna. Knuckles the echidna is a red echidna with gloves that have spikes at the knuckles, giving him his nickname.

Our good old friend knuckles makes his first appearance in this game. He lives on angel island and guards the master emerald. 

Gameplay: Did you play the first two? You've got your answer. The first two games had controls that could end up a bit awkward. This game simply sports a more polished version of these controls. The controls are very smooth and I enjoy them. Sonic can go forward, backward, and he can jump, now don't get too overwhelmed yet, because the spin dash returns from sonic 2. You have the option to play as sonic, tails, or both. I will break it down for you. I explained sonic just now, so I will do the other two.

Miles "Tails" Prower: Our adorable little friend is back to help sonic. Tails' ability to fly gives you access to some puzzles that sonic himself would not be able to access, though this is short-lived, as Tails can only fly for a short amount of time before coming down. Other than that, he controls similarly to sonic.

Both of those crazy kids: You can have a second player connect to tails and play cooperatively. This player using tails will have the ability to pick up sonic.

Graphics: The game did a bit worse than I expected. I figured it would look quite a bit better. It appeared three years after sonic 1, and it simply sports a more polished environment. I by no means think it looks bad. The environments were beautiful, something that I had never actually seen achieved in a game this old. Even its direct sequel doesn't look as good. There are tons of colors that merge together to make a great zone, and it works out for each. Sonic however, does not look as good as I thought he would. He somehow got shorter than he was in the first games.

Sound: I'm a pretty big fan of this department.. The sound is a bit of a rehash from the first two, but again it is more polished and sounds a bit better. It takes on a sort of catchy tune that you really cant describe until you play it. Though, Sonic also has to make a sound when he jumps, and that sounds like it wouldn't bother you, but it gets really annoying by the second zone. Though, the game could have done some more. Take the angel island zone act 1 for instance. This level has blissful music, and then as it starts to get burned to the ground, you would expect some darker toned music. Nope, this level retains the same music, and while this is not a huge deal, I see it as a flaw.

Addictiveness: Didn't you read what I said in the beginning? I have beat this game so many different times. It holds me like a spell, and I just cant shake it. The classic gameplay and wonderful environments are way ahead of 1994. I have logged tons of hours into this game, and I think you will too.

Story: Starting directly after Sonic 2, Sonic uses the chaos emeralds he has to transform into his super-form. He then flies to angel island where he is ambushed and assaulted by our friend knuckles, who then steals the emeralds, bringing Sonic out of his super-form. Sonic gives chase to knuckles. Knuckles is tricked by Dr. Robotnik into thinking that sonic is going to steal the master emerald, the thing knuckles protects. Robotnik realizes he can use the master emerald to power his ship, the death egg, which was destroyed in sonic 2. Sonic encounters knuckles in almost every level, which will hinder Sonic's progress. At the end of the game, as Sonic fights Robotnik and defeats him. He leaves the ship as it is falling, and he and knuckles become a team, leading into the events of "Sonic and Knuckles". There is also another ending to this game, this ending being accessed by Sonic getting all of the chaos emeralds and transforming into  Super Sonic.

Depth: There are six zones in this game, with the addition of seven special stages where you can access the chaos emeralds. There are also. There are also six save files you can use. There are three character choices, each can be used to find special places. There is also multiplayer mode, you can use a computer to play tails, or have a second player play as tails.

Difficulty: This game should not give you too much trouble. There are some cleverly placed enemies and spikes, but its not like you will be given too many game overs. This game is pretty easy, the only times you might get frustrated are when you are trying to get 50 rings to access the special stages. I beat the game in about a week, and I doubt it should take you much more than that.

That's all for now you guys. I will be reviewing the sequel to this sometime this month, as I am deeming this month "Sonic month". This game is one of the best of its times, and I hope you have tons of fun with it.

See ya

  Graphics 9   Addictive 8   Depth 6   Story 6   Difficulty 5

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Description: Swing from vines, launch new attacks, survive deadly traps and summon Tails to airlift Sonic out of danger. Discover hidden rooms and passageways in the mega-sized Zones. Transform into Super Sonic and experience the ultimate in speed and ultra-sonic power. Save your progress using the new Game Save Feature.

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